viernes, 29 de febrero de 2008

Jonathan: With deepest regret...

I must now say that we are returning home. Libby is currently in the air to Portland by way of Charlotte, and in a few hours, I will be heading to the airport to make my way back to Michigan.

I'm sorry that we've been so slow at posting. I've got many more stories written down and gazillions of pictures - all ofo which I would be more than willing to share with any interested parties.

So, with that being said, maybe if I have spare time (read: don't get your hopes up) in the next few weeks I'll update the blog with the last few weeks' worth of our trip. Otherwise, you can always visit us in Saginaw... it's ALMOST as beautiful as the pictures that have been posted here.

But to whet your appetite (we need whatever bait we can get to lure people to Saginaw), here's a very skeleton version of what's been left out of the blog:

~ the dramatic end of the "back room" saga
~ a unbelievable trip to the Carribean side: Puerto Viejo... so different... so good
~ a fascinating trip to indigineous people groups
~ was there really more sickness?
~ and more!

So, until next time, on a scale of 1 to great, I'm super awesome.


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